Friday, November 23, 2007

Fear Nothing...

Abby had a blast playing on Uncle Allan's play house. She would do whatever John Riley would up she went. Up this old ladder to the playhouse she went all by herself (ok, I was very close by), down the slide (only slightly rusted) and would even pretend in the clubhouse (six feet off the ground). She fears nothing. Much like John Riley. Someone mentioned being afraid and John Riley said, there is not need to be afraid...God is always with you. I must mention that this was our first Thanksgiving without our grandmother. Grandma Johnnie would have said the same her own words. When I heard John Riley confort someone by telling them about God...I could hear Grandma Johnnie praying before the big Thanksgiving meal..praying for the souls of her family..each and every one..before it is ever lasting too late. So we were not without Grandma this year...she was there the whole time.
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The Walkers said...

Looks like things are going "well" but I know that Mommy and Daddy are very tired! Ethan is adorable and Abby Grace continues to be the cutest big sister around. Hope to see you guys soon and hang in there with the sleep!!!

Laurie said...

LOVE the coat! LOL She is getting so big and more beautiful each day! I'm sure she is a great big sis!