You weren't so sure about the very bumpy road between our house and the paved road but once we finally got on pavement you were pretty content with the ride.
Abby it is so amazing to me you have learned to stand before you have learned to sit up or crawl. You are so strong! It is so precious to see you dance with your daddy!!
Abby, we are so lucky to have such a happy healthy baby (well, most of the time!!) You had so much fun in the pool today I think we will start going to the pool every day!!
Abby loves to be read to. Guess How Much I Love You and Good Night Moon are two of our favorite bedtime stories. I pray Abby you learn to love to read.
Phew, sometimes I play so hard at Ms. Linda's I take a good nap. Hey, if any of you guys see Jonas or his mom, will you let them know I miss them and want to play???