Abby has not been feeling so well the last few days. Let me tell you about a typical Abby moment. Because she wasn't feeling so well, we let her sleep as long as she needed to (from 6PM until when ever). Whenever came around 1:40 this morning. I must say that becoming a mother has allowed me to do things I have never done before (get up and be alert at 1:40AM!) After she finished her bottle she looked up at me with her beautiful blue eyes and hicupped louder than I had ever heard her before. I mean seriously, who gets the hiccups at 2:00 AM??? Apparently she thought it was funny because after each hiccup she would grin really big and giggle just enough to get her through to the next one. After trying gripewater (the best stuff ever on the market for hiccups and tummy trouble) and a prayer she finally gave in. She closed her eyes, I tiptoed to her crib, put her down ever so gently and....HICCUP....Giggle...We start all over.