Thursday, August 16, 2007

Kick Kick Kick!!!

Take a look at that fun face. She is so beautiful!!
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Lozada's said...

You are so cute Abby! I like your swim pics alot!

Anonymous said...

Abby we can't wait to go swimming with you at memaw's.

Carly, Bradley, John Riley

Michelle said...

looks like loads of fun!

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!!!!! I just caught up on your last like ten posts. ABBY IS SO BEAUTIFUL, OH MY GOODNESS. CONGRATS on the BOY!!! How are you feeling? What about names?

The Walkers said...

Dear Abby,
I would love to come and have some swim lessons from a big girl. I already think I am 5 months going on 13. You are SO PRECIOUS and I can't believe that you are about to be a big sister. Lets get together soon! And invite Jonas and Reese!

Anonymous said...

Hey-her name is Natalie Shelley and she had her baby girl Savannah last Friday! They are doing good. I haven't been to see them yet, but I will soon.